Case Study

Accurate & Timely KPI Delivery for CEO Dashboards

Give your C-level the right info, right when it’s needed. Create dashboards that show key business data clearly and quickly, helping make smart decisions fast.



This initiative has been successfully implemented for customers in local government and infrastructure.
Our clients in these industries consistently faced one or more of these pressing challenges:

  • Difficulty in identifying and prioritizing the most relevant KPIs for executive decision-making
  • Ensuring data accuracy and consistency across various business units
  • Complexity in real-time data integration from multiple sources
  • Balancing comprehensive information with clear, easily digestible visual presentation




This initiative usually involves the following people & roles. They can be found either within your organisation or at a consulting partner.

  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Data Integration Specialist
  • UX/UI Designer



After a routine check-up with our clients, we confirmed several of the below improvements:

  1. Decision-making: Enabled faster, more informed executive decisions through timely KPI delivery
  2. Visibility: Provided clear, comprehensive view of organizational performance
  3. Efficiency: Reduced time spent on manual data gathering and report creation
  4. Accuracy: Significantly improved reliability of data presented to leadership
  5. Agility: Enhanced ability to quickly identify and respond to business trends and challenges
  6. Alignment: Improved strategic alignment across the organization through shared KPI focus
Meet John, CEO @ Data Trust Associates

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