Case Study

Meat&More: Positioning and implementing a state-of-the-art Data Governance tool

High-quality meat and meat-related products

Meat&More is a food firm that manufactures meat and meat-related products. They own the brands ‘Buurtslagers’ and ‘Bon’Ap’. Besides being a supplier to most supermarkets, they also have several stores across Belgium.

They are fully vertically integrated, meaning they control the complete supply chain from the cow in the field to food in the store.

Meat&More has over 170 butcher shops in Lidl, Smatch, Delhaize, and Carrefour supermarkets. They produce a variety of sandwiches, ready-to-eat meals and other snacks.


Creating a solid Data Governance (tooling) business case

Meat&More previously set up an MDM program and understood data governance to be a critical success factor for the data program.

DTA was brought in to get Meat&More ready for a tool implementation and to create a solid business case for Data Governance with the following benefits:

  1. Lower project costs by up to 20% by improving DQ
    1. Low-quality or missing data
    2. Different understanding of data
    3. Difficulty exchanging data between teams & processes
  1. Faster and better insights, decision-making & predictions
    1. Reports need to be more consistent and often require manual revisions.
    2. Long lead times between requesting a report, retrieving the data and publishing the requested reports
    3. Lacking data elements to make proactive, data-driven decisions
  1. Increasing transparency across the entire data lifecycle (creation to insights)
    1. Several FTEs allocated to data retrieval, transformation and reporting on a weekly basis
    2. Knowledge about the internal reporting processes is limited
    3. The same data is often recreated in different departments – working in silos
  1. Supporting Digital Transformation (Industry 4.0, AI-led predictions, …) & Compliance (GDPR, …)
    1. Knowing and controlling data is crucial
    2. Regulations are going to become more stringent
Team Engagement

Data Trust Associates was brought in to position and implement a Data Governance solution that supports the Meat&More Data Program.

Meat&More chose Precisely’s Data360 after a benchmarking exercise between several data governance solutions.

Extensive testing with actual metadata showed an accentuation on usability (incl. short ramp-up times), a flexible metamodel design and high self-service functionality.

To make sure that real benefits were created, we took the following steps:

  1. We set up an initial ‘Business Case’ workshop to explore the Business case in terms of cost savings, efficiency increases, etc.
  2. We held several ‘Data Readiness’ workshops to prepare Meat&More for a smooth tool implementation – covering critical topics and open questions.
  3. We used the results of the workshops for the implementation of Precisely Data360;
  4. We provided business training (with practical exercises) to shorten the ramp-up time.

When launching our initiatives, we strongly emphasise the importance of having a grand vision yet taking it one step at a time.


In less than 8 weeks, we fully implemented Precisely’s Data360, including the metamodel and the first examples.

Meat&More now has all the foundations in place to extend an innovative Data Governance tool that:

  • reduces project costs by 10-20% (due to better and more coherent understanding and use of data);
  • allows management to make truly data-driven decisions;
  • eliminates much manual, repetitive work;
  • makes regulatory compliance a lot easier;
  • ensures Meat&More is ready for the innovative technologies of today and tomorrow (AI-led Prediction, Advanced Analytics, Industry 4.0, …).

There was strong business involvement during the implementation of Data Governance at Meat&More. This will enable innovation and growth, which ultimately benefits the entire business.

Team Lead


Jonas is our technical team lead @ DTA. He has much experience working with various Data Management technologies such as Precisely’s Data360 and Collibra.

As a project lead, he likes to emphasise the importance of people and teams on the success of technology implementations.